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Member Since 02 Feb 2014
Offline Last Active May 24 2014 09:35 AM

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In Topic: Old fart here

03 February 2014 - 06:17 PM

Thanks BnK been looking forward to meeting lots of beautiful people here, so excited and can't hardly wait to be in the water. Totally a virgin in all sense of the word.( In fishing that is ) :oops:  

In Topic: Old fart here

03 February 2014 - 12:41 AM

Thanks for the warm welcome guys, much appreciated. I still need a lot to learn, first and foremost is fish species, what to fish and what not to fish but that's not much of a concern if I will practice catch and release. Another thing is the type of lure to use on a specific type of fish. I already have spoons, jigs, fly, poppers, spinners, crank baits and soft worms. So I think I can cover the top, mid and bottom but still needs to learn on how and when to use them. I still need to learn how to cast properly as I don't really know how yet. Water temp and season is another subject I need to learn, been reading a lot about fishing lately plus watching tons of video in YouTube about fishing. All inputs will be highly appreciated guys.

Thanks and God bless,