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Member Since 01 Mar 2014
Offline Last Active Mar 29 2015 11:04 AM

#309255 What's your favourite way to fish for Walleye?

Posted by MarksHooked on 31 May 2014 - 07:10 PM

You guys are great thanks a lot for the help. Picked up some of those Lindy Rigs, some 1/8 and 1/4 oz Jigheads in black and white, and some various 3" grubs, leeches, and those new Meat Worms from Uncle Josh's in 3 different colours. Also have a couple of bucktail jigs I picked up at the Hamilton Tackle swap.  I had heard they preferred low light conditions, so I'll be out there early every morning and starting up again just before sunset. I'll be sure to post a report after the trip!


I have a few different mepps and other inline spinners, when you guys tip yours with leeches or other bait, are you still casting and retrieving it, or is it sitting under a bobber?

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#305905 Carp Fishing Zone 16

Posted by MarksHooked on 22 April 2014 - 11:36 PM

I've seen people catching a few every time I check out the barrier, this warmer weather is finally getting the fish active it seems.  Can't wait to post my first successful report lol 

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#304997 hamilton downtown fishing Report

Posted by MarksHooked on 12 April 2014 - 10:00 AM

Morning all! I was down at bayfront yesterday around noon and everything is open there now, as well as the carp barrier and princess point.  It was my first time ever checking out the barrier, there is a strong current there that took some getting used to.  I pulled out a couple smaller carp and catfish, and twice had something big on that was pulling drag like crazy but came off both times.  Needless to say it's just great being able to fish open water again! 

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#304379 Personal Space on the River...

Posted by MarksHooked on 04 April 2014 - 10:13 AM

I've been reading a lot on this forum about opening day, and how busy it gets.  It sure is daunting as a newer angler who is certainly more comfortable with no one in sight to watch me make mistakes lol.  It all sounds very overwhelming, I think I'll go find a popular river somewhere and just WATCH the opener this year lol, learn the do's and dont's firsthand!  I read that there are over 168,000 KM of rivers and streams in Ontario, I think I'd rather catch less fish in a secluded spot than fish a hot 'pool' shoulder to shoulder with people. 

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