The regulations are very strict...depends on what you are after most often than not if you dont have a direct relative with you, you must hire a licensed guide or fish within 800 meters of a provincial highway...
Also if your after salmon you basically get 6 tags with different colours and only certain coloured tags can be used on certain rivers and to retain a certain amount of fish from the river....very confusing regulations
The last few years the rivers have been very low and the salmon numbers are way down. I was going to go down there this year to vist my dad but i think im going to wait until next summer instead.
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being outside doing what we all came here to talk about lol
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In Topic: NF advice
13 May 2018 - 05:12 PM
In Topic: Good nymph rigs for this time of year
20 April 2018 - 03:49 AM
Large black stonefly about 5-6ft under an indicator with either an egg pattern or san juan off the bend of the first fly and a single bb sized split shot about 10-12" above the stonefly...change depth/weight as required
In Topic: Buying A Boat - How Effective
12 December 2017 - 04:54 AM
I spent most of my time fishing from a canoe this year and i can honestly say im ready for an upgrade....5+ hours in a canoe can take its toll on the body...not to mention if you dont have a trolling motor and a drift sock on your canoe you can count out most days to fish as most lakes will be too rough
In Topic: Nipissing Ice Report
11 December 2017 - 06:49 AM
Thanks for the updates.
In Topic: Western Trib report - best day for me so far!
25 September 2017 - 10:19 AM
Cant expect everybody to be a "conservationist" it was good on him that he went out and did the leg work and not sit behind a computer and ask questions.... I agree it may not be the most ideal conditions for targeting trout but i give him credit for at least putting in an effort as he can learn about conservation in the future if he chooses to do so
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