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Member Since 01 May 2014
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In Topic: Fly Tying Photo Thread

02 June 2014 - 09:48 PM

Very close, but there is no herl, that's a wool butt ;) you also missed the twisted tail veiling.

Not really. Saw the veiling but thought what the hell.
Think you should go herl but though.

In Topic: Fly Tying Photo Thread

01 June 2014 - 09:50 AM

CK wound the herl the wrong way. The married wing is nice but too long as well as the BM. Tippet a tad long and the GP well, you know the issue with those. Nice hackle though and great finish. Just an opinion from the pinning side of things.


In Topic: Fly Tying Photo Thread

01 June 2014 - 08:59 AM

that's not a stone fly...
THIS is a stonefly

Attached File  image.jpg   18.93KB   154 downloads

In Topic: New to the Pine / Notty Rivers

15 May 2014 - 03:13 PM

this is a fragile system so why would you be posting its name. i thought naming them was not condoned here?

In Topic: Bayfeild tribs

02 May 2014 - 08:47 AM

Good'ol OFF
Thought this forum had rules about names and locations etc.
Seems like an argument forum now'a'days
Sorry OP.
I'm sure you're honestly looking for places to fish around the bayfield, check google earth, look for big corners and bends, then try to decipher entry points. Bayfield runs mostly through private land. Ask anyone you might think is a land owner. Or stick to public access points. Or go to the pier lol.

Yes, I am confused now about naming rivers. Anyone know if this river is an exception?