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Member Since 08 Jun 2014
Offline Last Active Sep 07 2014 09:06 PM

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In Topic: Pond Overgrowth

04 August 2014 - 10:25 PM

if im not mistaken pro anglers use ultra heavy line and rods to yank them donkeys out of the swampy cover, i would suggest watch a few vids and make your decision from there, IMO, those weeks wont clear up until almost winter, sooooo, i highly doubt there would be anybody else in that spot after the water gets shot cold,


winter! ah shoot.. guess ill just have to wait until spring to fish weedless

In Topic: Pond Overgrowth

04 August 2014 - 10:23 PM

you need a 7ft ultra heavy rod with a big muskie reel and 80lb line. in all honesty try 20lb braid. a quick snap of the wrist with 20lb braid will slice trough pretty much anything, besides stronger braid. And welcome to the forum 

Thank you! Ill make sure to bring a heavier rod with braid next time :)