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Member Since 16 Jun 2014
Offline Last Active Jul 05 2014 08:32 AM

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In Topic: Tiny black fish in the Kawarthas, or are they frogs?!

17 June 2014 - 11:53 AM

Esoxtrout, thanks so much for those links. I think you're right on, I think they must be Bass. Just out on the water and I noticed similar schools close to shore in various rocky areas. They are too stream-lined to be tadpoles.


The adult Bass have been patrolling our shore for the past week or two. There are several small rocks in the water off shore. If you stand in the shallows, say knee depth or so, you risk getting a little nibble on at the back of your leg. 


Interesting to me is that these adult Bass were completely absent since I noticed the fry 2 days ago. Reading the PDF you attached, the larger the adult the longer they protect their young. The Bass at our shore are only 5" - 8" long, so small, and they seem to have left.


I've been on this shore my entire life and this is the first year I've noticed the fry.


Much thanks!

In Topic: Tiny black fish in the Kawarthas, or are they frogs?!

16 June 2014 - 11:47 AM

Whoa! Had to look up the "tadpole madtom" catfish, and fingers crossed that's not them!


Perhaps they are tadpoles, though I would have thought I'd have noticed their unique shape. They seemed to look just like teeny tiny fish.


Much thanks!