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Member Since 16 Jun 2014
Offline Last Active Jul 05 2014 08:32 AM

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Tiny black fish in the Kawarthas, or are they frogs?!

16 June 2014 - 10:08 AM

Hi there, on the north shore of a lake in the Kawarthas, near shore, there were hundreds of tiny black fish late yesterday afternoon. By small I mean probably 1/4" long, all hanging out in an area maybe 3' x 3'....would these be fish, and does anyone know what variety...or are they frogs? I know we have Bass in our lake, but they are already guarding the rocks on the same shore. I assume they would have hatched already.


Maybe that should be my (other) question. When do Lake Bass hatch?  (Large or Small mouth, I'm not sure)


Much thanks and kind regards!


16 June 2014 - 10:03 AM

Just joined this forum to ask one question, probably like lots of people, then stay around to see what else is available. Much thanks.