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Member Since 15 Jul 2014
Offline Last Active Aug 16 2015 10:42 AM

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In Topic: Homemade CDC

19 July 2015 - 04:08 PM

Thanks, makes sense I guess. Still gonna give it a try since I've got nothing to lose but time. Found this article that kinda explains it, I think I'll do that and see how it compares with the commercial stuff.

In Topic: Residents Advice

17 July 2015 - 05:14 PM

If you are just starting out and fishing in well known spots , chances are the fish are educated and will be more picky, especially when fishing dry flies your presentation pretty much needs to be perfect. If you know there are fish in those spots but aren't seeing any surface activity or hatches, try nymphs. I read somewhere that trout get 90% of their food intake from nymphs. Just turn over a couple rocks and see what bugs are on the bottom of the river and match those best you can. Usually smaller sizes of Copper John's, hare's ear, chromies and pheasant tails in bead head or weighed down with a split shot, dead drifted in likely spots will produce results. I find presentation when nymphing is not as important as drys, but you should still strive for a nice dead drift with you nymphs almost at the bottom. In low clear water use smaller, lighter nymphs, and in high water bigger and heavier. If you aren't hitting bottom every once in a while add some weight. You'll lose flies but at least you'll catch trout!