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Member Since 15 Jul 2014
Offline Last Active Aug 16 2015 10:42 AM

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Homemade CDC

19 July 2015 - 10:33 AM

Hi everyone, so I've stated tying with CDC more and more recently, and now I'm all out of feathers... I just love how versatile it is as a material and I've really noticed a difference in my success, especially with my dry flies this year. The only thing I don't like about it is the cost! I'll be going duck and goose hunting this fall and I want to harvest some feathers. I wanted to know if anyone has ever harvested CDC and how to do it properly to get a quality material similar to what is sold in store and online. Not thinking of dying the feathers or anything, just want to get the feathers nice and clean for tying. The waterfowl we go after is blue wing teal, malard and snow geese with the occasional canada geese.