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Member Since 21 Jul 2014
Offline Last Active Oct 12 2015 12:47 PM

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West Trib setup

23 September 2014 - 10:34 AM

Hey all! New to the forum. Thanks for all of the great info and beautiful pics!

I've only ever really lake-fished for pike and bass, but am stoked to land a salmon on the rivers. I hit a West Trib last night and saw half a dozen jump, but came up empty handed. It sounds as though things will pick up over the coming month.

Can you suggest rig/hardware (spinning rod) for a swift and shallow trib? It sounds like roe sacs are the way to go, but I'd rather use lures.

I used a rappala floating minnow and a lightweight jig-spinner without luck; will they take these so close to the surface? I'm sure I'd lose anything heavier to snagging.

Also, do you suggest casting into the swiftest moving waters or slower areas.

Thanks for the tips everyone!