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Member Since 23 Jul 2014
Offline Last Active Jul 24 2014 01:35 PM

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In Topic: Very New To Fishing - and any good spots

24 July 2014 - 01:33 PM

You can tell I'm a newbie, eh? Lol!! Corn and carp! That is what I meant! ;) I will look into the minnow rubber baits..I also use those grub looking things, does that work?? 
Rybak - how are you getting these fish!? Congrats btw, that is AWESOME! I feel like I am doing something wrong. :/ Is it best to cast into the water and leave it there for a bit or slowly reel it back in? 

Thank you for all the suggestions! I might need someone to explain it to me in super-newbie terms but I feel I have an idea. :) 

Thanks again everyone! Oh and Kit, I will definitely check out your blog!

In Topic: Very New To Fishing - and any good spots

23 July 2014 - 02:14 PM

Thanks so much for the input and advice Kit and Saugeen. Much appreciated! 

It's true...there are a lot of people out there on the Grand that I have seen shore fishing...as well as the Speed. 


Saugeen - thank you!! Novels are good! Especially since I only JUST got my fishing license on Sunday and quite enjoy fishing and would like to learn as much as possible. :)
I have tried Puslinch but got no luck there...so far, will make sure to check out the other spots you recommended as well. 

At the rest of sounding like a rookie - I have a couple questions if I may!

What do you think of those gulp worms? The ones that you can buy in the liquid...do those even work? I am a little skeptical of those. 

As well I hear corn is good for Pike...is this true? 

Sometimes I will see bass jumping...so close to me that I could probably reach out and touch them...and they are still not biting!! >:( So am wondering what I am doing wrong here...I also learned something new when you said that I should sneak up on them...I can be a talker. :o (lol)

So is it not recommended to go fishing after the rain has fallen? And what do you think of super hot days? Just find a shady spot and sneak up on them there? 

I will keep the live worms in mind as well. 


Thanks so much! I am going to print these responses out! :)