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Member Since 31 Jul 2014
Offline Last Active Jun 13 2020 09:24 PM

Topics I've Started

Niagara River Late Spring Fishing (Videos)

11 June 2019 - 11:24 AM


If you haven't had the chance to fish the Niagara river this spring, I would highly advise it :) It's been some of the best fishing in years. The cooler water temperatures are keeping the steelhead in there longer than usual and they are VERY agressive. There are also some lakers in there as well.


Do make sure to take your time when riveving the steelhead though as the water temps are not cold enough for them to just easily swim off like in the winter months.


Here is a few videos from the past week. Enjoy, share and subscribe to the youtube channel to similar content!




Niagara river steelhead (Two short videos)

21 December 2018 - 01:29 PM

Hi all,
Thought I'd share two short videos I recently made on the Niagara river while fishing for some winter steelhead. Feedback and tips are welcome. I will try and add more content to my Youtube channel so if you like it subscribe! Enjoy :mrgreen: