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Jim Mitchell

Member Since 03 Aug 2014
Offline Last Active Sep 24 2014 11:27 PM

Topics I've Started

Canoe set up

04 August 2014 - 12:04 AM

Hi everyone, first post here on the forums! I've been working on creating a comfortable canoe set up and would just like to share what I have done and see what others set ups are like.

[attachment=14162:2014-08-03 20.33.47.jpg]

Its a Coleman ramx 17 ft canoe with a humming bird 571 HD di running off a black and decker drill battery. I recently made the outriggers from crutches as well as a tranducer holder from left over material from the outriggers.

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Everything attaches using exhaust clamps

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The outriggers were a great add on to our canoe as I enjoy bringing my daughter who's excitement would sometimes lead to rocky moments!
