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Member Since 04 Aug 2014
Offline Last Active Apr 04 2016 10:53 AM

Posts I've Made

In Topic: Bait prices

14 February 2016 - 07:41 PM

Bill's Bait and Tackle (on Upper James, in Hamilton) charges $5.99 for a dozen medium minnows.

In Topic: Storm Pond Fishing

11 October 2015 - 08:23 AM

@Try-hard Fisherman: I have never personally fished storm-water ponds, but I have my eye on a few that I would like to try. In Burlington, storm ponds have similar signs (no fishing, no skating, etc), so I e-mailed the City of Burlington about it. Here is part of their response:


"While there isn't a by-law in place to enforce the fishing restrictions, the signs serve as a risk management tool and to advise residents of the potential danger of accessing the water".


I take that as "fish at your own risk". I hope this helps.

In Topic: Trout Season Around The Corner - Any Spot Suggestions

25 March 2015 - 03:58 PM

Nothing wrong with creek chubs at all - finding them in that spot was a nice surprise, especially for my kids. It's just that it wasn't what I was fishing for at the time.


P.S. Creek chubs make great bait for largemouth bass!

In Topic: Trout Season Around The Corner - Any Spot Suggestions

21 March 2015 - 07:43 PM

Welcome Dickson23s. Nothing beats getting out and trying different spots, especially quiet, out-of-the-way places. Last year I tried a creek near my home, hoping to get into some brook trout. I didn't catch any, but I found a wonderful, quiet spot to take my kids fishing for creek chubs.