Hey guys,
Im sure you all dont like these kinds of posts, but Ill give it a shot. Im an angler from Pennsylvania and Im looking to make my first trip to Ontario this summer/spring. I have been looking up there for a place to go for a week. I have an 18ft w 145 Johnson and full gear. Fishing in the states these last few years has gotten worse by the minute. I love being on the water but realizing that I have a good day when Ive caught 2 perch and a sunfish is getting the better of me. Guys just dont know or care to know how care for their fisheries here. I have fished Lake Ontario in the past which I feel is very good, but with my boat a stiff breeze comes and I have to stay in. I am way too poor for those fly in trips. I also dont think the wife and kids would appreciate it like I would. Any advice on what to look for in a place to go in Eastern Ontario. I know no one wants to call out their favorite lake usually, but it seems that there are a 1000 places claiming their lake is the best in the world....and that might be true. I was just wondering if anyone had any advice for me in what to look for and best time to go. A lake with biting walleye would be great. Walleye is on my list of fish Ive never caught.
Tight lines