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Try-hard Fisherman

Member Since 20 Feb 2015
Offline Last Active May 13 2017 02:16 PM

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In Topic: Local Pond Fishing, Keep Getting Skunked!

02 September 2016 - 02:49 PM

I was just down there yesterday and managed to get a strike on and texas rigged crawfish, did not get the hookset but it's good to know I'm getting closer!  :mrgreen:  Thanks again for the massive feedback on this thread! And as for the Bear, DD, and bhark I would love to have you guys come down to the pond with me but as of right now, the owners of the pond only want people they know personally fishing there  :???: . Sorry, but thanks anyways! 


- Try-hard Fisherman

In Topic: Local Pond Fishing, Keep Getting Skunked!

31 August 2016 - 07:53 PM

Drop a white senko and let it slowly drop flat....if nothing bites before it reaches bottom...then it's not bass


No, there are bass here guaranteed. Just because they don't bite doesn't mean bass aren't in the pond. There have been bass caught there before (not by me of course) and you see their heads break the water one in a while.

In Topic: Local Pond Fishing, Keep Getting Skunked!

31 August 2016 - 03:05 PM

Thanks for the feedback guys, the pond is about 20 feet deep and I have tried Poppers but no luck. The fish usually feed on small bugs on the top of the water and the odd sunfish.