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Try-hard Fisherman

Member Since 20 Feb 2015
Offline Last Active May 13 2017 02:16 PM

Topics I've Started

Grindstone Creek

13 May 2017 - 02:19 PM

So I've been fishing Grindstone Creek for the past couple days, but I haven't had much luck so far. Only caught a few bullheads. Does anyone know anything about good lures to use there, what kind of fish inhabit the area, general knowledge etc.? If so, please let me know! :)



                     - Try-Hard Fisherman



Local Pond Fishing, Keep Getting Skunked!

30 August 2016 - 04:03 PM

HI! A family friend of ours has a pond on their property with some pretty big fish in it! There have been fish caught there before but not to many. Whenever I go fishing there I end up skunked every time. It's not the lack of fish in the pond though. There are tons of bass and other species of fish there you can see making blow ups on the surface and feeding close to shore but I can never seem to pull anything out of there.   :???: Does anyone have any tips or pieces of advice that would help me because I've tried almost everything, even live minnows and worms. Any response is appreciated! Thank you!


-Try-Hard Fisherman

My New PB Smallie!

04 July 2016 - 12:46 PM

Went off to the Thames River in London with my Papa yesterday and pulled out this chunk! :mrgreen:


Attached File  20160703_1955401.jpg   118.07KB   74 downloads


He was about 18 inches and probably weighed around 2.5-3 lbs I'm guessing my new pb. Caught him on a Rebel Poppin Frog.