G10, I wouldn't waste my time reporting it. My first report to the Ministry about lamprey was over 30 yrs ago. I received zero info on the creature or what I should do with it. And Alfie, I doubt the MNR has been taking measures on anything for some time. They keep telling me the American Eel is an endangered species. Not up this way! A buddy and me have made numerous reports with absolutely no response. Just caught my second eel of the year tdy, dam near 4' long. I'm sure I'll be good for another 8-10 this yr, Yeah for me!!! Lamprey are a parasite, just like mosquitoes, ticks, leaches, or weeds. If you'll swat a mosquito, or squeesh a tick, or pull a weed, well ya know.
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In Topic: lamprey sightings
26 May 2015 - 11:48 PM
In Topic: Tips,Tricks and advice for bass,pike fishing.
20 May 2015 - 07:59 AM
Pike/Muskie, go with spoons, the shinier the better. Seek shallow inlets where weeds will be heavy as summer progresses. I make my own......3" spoon with wire extension(for minnow), and a double hook at the end. If there's any in the area you'll get 'em. Spoons work well for trolling to if you have access to a boat & motor. Bass,(ya I know they are out of season, I just wish somebody would tell the little buggers that),......casting with floating lures off rocky shorelines in fairly shallow water is good. Hinged perch replicates are my weapon of choice. They work well for trolling to. Worms and minnows on a pickerel rig work well to providing you're in a boat. For the record, I condemn targeting any species out of season. Good luck. Cheers.
In Topic: It's all downhill from here...
11 May 2015 - 03:35 PM
Love the blue milk crate storage compartment at the back.....classic! Nice catch. Cheers.
10 May 2015 - 09:58 AM
Try-hard, although not in your area, and not familiar with the bodies of water you fish, I do have a suggestion. Seek out some locals and buddy with them and your luck will improve. Everyone has their little tricks and knowledge that has been accumulated over the course of time, either through word of mouth, or experience. I sometimes have friends,(good fisherman), who will come to fish my front yard,(river), and fare quite poorly at the start of it all. By finding a balance between what I'm doing and what they bring to the table, their success rate improves dramatically. None of us know everything and at the end of the day, even the best fisherman have off days. Makin' new fishin' buddies has its benefits as well. Hope this helps, and good luck. Cheers.
In Topic: Carp Boilies
03 May 2015 - 09:38 PM
Guys, I think perhaps some of you have mis-interpreted my post, or perhaps I didn't come across the right way. The fact that I can't see why anyone would target carp is simply my perspective, and I'm entitled to it. As Shawarma puts it, "some target certain species over others". What I do know, is that carp is a very invasive species and since their establishment into this area I have personally seen dwindling numbers in a number of species. Bluegill would be a good example. In no way did I attack or condemn anyone for the species they seek. Open forums mean open debate fellas, and although we might not always agree, we must all agree to get along. For anyone offended, I apologize. However, Aqua, I might be opinionated, but I sure as heck ain't ignorant......especially when it comes to fishing. I would consider that an attack, but hey, I'm thick skinned. hammercarp, the only time I troll is in the boat. Fish on guys, and fish for what you please and Happy Hookin'. The offer still stands though. Anyone desiring carp, come on down to my place in about a week, and please take all of them home with you. Cheers.
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