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Member Since 17 Mar 2015
Offline Last Active Feb 19 2020 09:37 AM

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In Topic: ice fishing

04 February 2020 - 03:29 PM

I believe your closest ice is like Trenton way or Lake Simcoe way.

In Topic: Please explain what I saw.

03 February 2020 - 01:57 PM

Highly illegal....you should report it when you see that......they have to keep the fish to keep the roe...JERKS!

Unless their fishing a closed section of water salmon season is not over but it is illegal what their doing.

Please dont share false info if you dont know.

It is 100% legal to milk fish for eggs. The result is that even if you let that fish go then it still counts as your daily posession limit.
So if your limit is one fish and you milk fish and let it go then you have reached your limit.