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Member Since 24 Mar 2015
Offline Last Active Jul 07 2015 11:28 AM

Topics I've Started

May 2nd didn't see a fish on centre island

04 May 2015 - 08:38 AM

Is it just me or did anyone else get skunked , maybe the rides at the park dot help

Anyone doing some shore fishing in toronto today

30 March 2015 - 11:46 AM

Hey, anyone doing some toronto shore fishing today ?

Bluffs and ttc

25 March 2015 - 04:04 PM

Good afternoon gentleman, and ladies.

I was just wondering if there is anyone who shore fishes bluffs for pike and if they know a good route by ttc.

I've never been there and live by high park (keele station)

Any advice is helpful cheers

New guy here! Looking for some advice

24 March 2015 - 11:25 AM

I'm looking for a spot to shore fish in toronto, started fishing about a year and half ago. I'm still a beginner just looking for spots I can hit up close by. Also wondering if at the foot of spadina if there's pike there this time of year

Edit : I live in toronto, high park area

Thank you in advance