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Member Since 07 Apr 2015
Offline Last Active Sep 24 2015 09:54 PM

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In Topic: Help the Troubled Credit River

24 September 2015 - 09:49 PM

And after all, its our tax dollars that are going towards the unsuccessful management plan that currently puts Atlantic Salmon first while restricting river access to many other species, all of which once thrived in the Credit, not too long ago and undoubtably is the reason for poor fish returns and poor fishing. 


lastly, I might add, a grand total of 2 Atlantic Salmon have now been lifted over the Streetsville ladder in 2015...

In Topic: Help the Troubled Credit River

24 September 2015 - 09:44 PM

The ladder was closed as of this past Monday and will remain closed until the Coho eggs are collected, which took until November 22nd of last year if memory serves correctly. 


And in doing so, almost effectively ruined the entire fall run for Steelhead and Brown Trout. And sadly salmon can't even get to Norval with the closed ladder, wasting almost 30km of unused river. 


The MNR could go east and get their egg quotas in one day on some of those eastern tribs, without affecting those creeks, yet they choose to shut down the largest tributary on the north shore, for up to 2 months (closer to 3 last fall)...



Egg collection at Streetsville takes place next week I believe.


Thanks for signing guys.

In Topic: Help the Troubled Credit River

24 September 2015 - 02:19 PM

Thanks for signing guys!

In Topic: Tree Planting Day on the Credit River

01 May 2015 - 09:22 PM

Thanks Shmogley, hope a few members on here can make it out for a couple hours Sunday Morning! 



In Topic: Spring Steelhead Transfers Beginning This Week!

18 April 2015 - 03:00 PM

Yes Trout Commander. Tomorrow might be the last day. Hoping for a good day of fish lifts. 1-8pm tomorrow if anyone is interested.