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Member Since 07 Apr 2015
Offline Last Active Sep 24 2015 09:54 PM

#322690 Spring Steelhead Transfers Beginning This Week!

Posted by CRAA on 07 April 2015 - 02:20 PM

******* Spring Steelhead transfers on the Credit River at Norval Dam to start Thursday April 9th. We will need 6 volunteers starting at 4pm.

Please contact Danielle at:

[email protected]

to confirm your attendance as she is coordinating all volunteer requests.

And the rest of the schedule as follows:

Friday April 10th from 1-8pm (shifts divided up 1-4 and 4-8)
Saturday April 11th from 1-8pm (shifts divided up 1-4 and 4-8)
Monday April 13th from 1-8 pm (shifts divided up 1-4 and 4-8)
Tuesday April 14th from 1-8 pm (shifts divided up 1-4 and 4-8)

Any other questions you can ask on here, send me a message or direct to Danielle but for sign-up please send Danielle an email. Thanks and look forward to seeing some of you out there.


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