I hope this link works for you guys,but this is the kinda trout I'm talkin about. I believe there are bigger trout there than what I got pictures of. The pond as a very small stream that runs into it, nothing that I can use to my advantage I don't believe. At night is something I think will work,I have heard of guys doing this,but never tried it myself.
KNUGUY, that is the normal method I use,but a spin cast with a 1 3/4 inch red devil lure , without any bait as proven to me to be as good or better, because when you put a worm on your hook it causes the lure to not dance so well in the water, and besides I've seen so many big trout from time to time grabbing at the lure instead of the big juicy worm which proves to me they are not going by smell but by sight.
Member Since 15 May 2015Offline Last Active May 18 2015 10:42 PM
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