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Member Since 27 Jun 2015
Offline Last Active Aug 24 2016 11:21 AM

Topics I've Started

Visiting from BC

28 June 2015 - 03:04 AM

Hi. I now live and fish in BC. I grew up and learned how to fish in Ontario.
I love Salmon and Trout but I miss bass, perch, pickerel, and pike. There are some limited Bass fishing opportunities here and I take advantage of them. I've been browsing this forum for tips because it's not a hot topic on the BC forums.
I'm also making what a hope becomes at least an annual fishing trip to Ontario this summer.
Thank you for the opportunity and I hope I can contribute something.

Fishing Cabin/Guide Recomendations

28 June 2015 - 02:48 AM

Hi. Im looking for some references (good or bad) for fishing cabins in Southeastern Ontario. I'm visiting from BC in August and my brother-in-law wants to take the kids fishing. I've done some research and have got a couple options but actual recent reviews and/or references are scarce.
I know it's the peak of summer. Just looking for some reasonable action for the kids not trophies. And we're trying to stay as 'rustic' as possible without paying to fly out my camping gear...don't need a lodge or 'meal plan'. We probably won't be going much farther north than North Bay.
Thanks for any assistance. I grew up fishing in Ontario and I'm looking forward to a return after 20+ years.