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Member Since 11 Jul 2015
Offline Last Active Aug 24 2016 10:26 AM

Posts I've Made

In Topic: Favourite Way to Catch Smallmouth

19 July 2016 - 05:46 PM

I just caught my 4.5Lb P. B. Smallie, Flipping a Texas rigged green pumpkin craw dad into the salad.
Made purchasing a kayak worth it. 1st year kayak fishing. But I always have a weightless worm rigged "Texposed" to go as a fall back.

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In Topic: How many of you watch fishing videos on youtube daily and subscribe to channels?

08 February 2016 - 07:19 PM

If it's something you want to do, go for it. Yolo. Anything is possible and it could all be gone without warning. Don't live with regrets.

I find myself watching more and more fishing on YouTube. Especially during the winter months when it's not as easy to get out.
Enjoy your life, it's the only one you get and it may expire at any minute.
I keep finding new shows and channels. And look forward to finding many more.

In Topic: Regs question regarding minnows buckets

29 January 2016 - 08:48 PM

It's a CYA thing to deter people from introducing foreign species. If the minnows where caught in the same body of water as they are being released, it should be fine.
That's why I err on the side of caution and stick to artificial bait or I catch my own in the very body of water the I plan to fish.

In Topic: 1000 to spend on Tackle Warehouse

02 January 2016 - 05:18 PM

I have ordered a rod and reel from them. Shipping can be expensive, but they don't tell you that you have to pay duty on any items. It ended up doubling the shipping charges. Because they don't deal with the duty. The courier has to pay that and thereby you, before they hand it over.

A $300 combo cost me $500 with taxes, shipping and duty. Well worth it though for the gear I wanted and couldn't find any wear else.