bayfield was blown on sunday, no good at all. went carp fishing for the day else where....
- Ontario Fishing Forums
- → Viewing Profile: Posts: Jforza
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- Member Title Shiner Minnow
- Age 39 years old
- Birthday January 30, 1985
London area
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In Topic: Rain rain is our gain
05 November 2015 - 01:36 PM
In Topic: The Mill Pond, Dorchester Ontario
30 October 2015 - 11:32 AM
"if i was to compare it to a true human disease, the only one that fit would be Herpes."
that is fffing hilarious.... haahaha
someone recently sent me a pictures of ADFD .... Attention Deficit Fishing Disorder..... yours was funnier tho Art...
In Topic: Rain rain is our gain
30 October 2015 - 10:42 AM
getting re-packed again for sunday..... probably bayfield
In Topic: The Mill Pond, Dorchester Ontario
30 October 2015 - 10:38 AM
New to this forum. Just fished Mill Pond for the first time last week. Caught a 3 plus lb'er. You still having luck there? this has been my first season fishing seriously and go fishing around twice a week. Wondering what general areas you hit around london area? I know you dont like givin specifics but a general idea will help! Always lookin for other people to fish with as well
i haven't been out to the pond lately which is sorta a shame since my work is 5 min from it. its been pretty dreary lately most days and getting off near 6 until the time change tommorow has made it a little rough for an afterwork fishing session but i'm hoping to get out there a few more times this year. let me know if you want to link up..
that and i've been having a bout of salmonoid insanity lately.... no cure for it ive found yet
In Topic: Coho!
30 October 2015 - 10:34 AM
beautiful pics, getting the itch now for this weekend , probably sunday to hit the west tribs now that the rain has come
that red coho would be an ultimate goal of mine... wow
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