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Member Since 21 Nov 2015
Offline Last Active May 19 2016 09:12 AM

Topics I've Started

Spring Fly Patterns

25 April 2016 - 01:10 PM

Hey everyone,


Hope you all had a great opener, I did not myself but it's only up from here! haha. With the lack of rain and low temperatures to start the spring, is there a specific pattern or fly setup I should be leaning towards, I figured until hatching becomes more prevalent it would be a good idea to stick to steamers, bead-heads and wolly-buggers. But now I'm rethinking them since opening day for me was a bust (this could of also been of a factor due to where I was fishing in the East Tribs).



Late Fall/Early Winter Trout

21 November 2015 - 11:39 PM

Hey guys,

I have had some trouble this fall finding some steelhead/browns, I've been east will little luck. Was wondering if there has been any luck as of lately around these areas or if there are other locations I should give a try?