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Member Since 31 Dec 2015
Offline Last Active Jan 24 2016 11:42 PM

Topics I've Started

LiveTarget are they worth the price?

03 January 2016 - 10:20 AM

I was walking around Cabela's the other day and noticed the live target lures. They are beautiful for sure, some of the most life-like in appearance and action i've seen. But I was wondering are they worth the money? Especially when a lot of our major water bodies are so murky. If anyone has had equal or better results with LiveTarget to say Rapala, Storm or any other hard bait brands that would greatly appreciated. 



Brook Trout Barrie Region

01 January 2016 - 12:09 AM

First off, I'm a newbie to the forum, so hi. Second, I have been interested in Brook trout for years, but have never actually gone out to fish them. I have the gear and the means to get to most spots, I just need to know which tributaries hold Brook trout. There used to be all kinds of them up here, but they are nonexistent now. Anything you may have heard or read about is fine, I'm just completely clueless as to where to find them. 

Thanks for the help,
