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Member Since 30 Jan 2016
Offline Last Active Feb 01 2017 02:10 AM

Posts I've Made

In Topic: Troutslayor...Q&A

21 October 2016 - 10:27 AM

Temple?.... no smart ass , My wife had become very ill!...

In Topic: Troutslayor...Q&A

21 October 2016 - 10:26 AM

He was called back to his temple.

In Topic: Troutslayor...Q&A

21 October 2016 - 10:26 AM

Working as a guide, ice fishing, and a very understanding wife!...

In Topic: Troutslayor...Q&A

21 October 2016 - 10:23 AM

I have a question, How the hell do you get on the water 250 days a year and still have a job and a life? :razz:

In Topic: Float fishing tips.....from Troutslayor

09 October 2016 - 02:32 PM

Hey James, float popping can be annoying but if you explain to someone that it can spook fish most will try not to. Instead put some resistance at end of drift, this will cause your bait to slowly rise, simulating a nymph raising to surface, if you're using roe bag doing this may put it in front of fishes nose causing a reaction strike! I have caught a lot of good fish this way! .🎣👍🏻