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Member Since 01 Feb 2016
Offline Last Active Dec 10 2017 02:48 PM

Posts I've Made

In Topic: Spawning For Steelhead

05 December 2017 - 10:15 PM

Steelhead are an amazing species. Several different strains are fall/winter spawners. Hatchery breeding may have something to do with fish that are spawning in fall/winter but it is more likely the hatchery is using a strain of steelhead that was a fall/winter spawner. Bc has several strains of fall/winter spawning fish. Steelhead have been adapting to our rivers over time and several differences exist between fish running rivers based on what they face in each individual river. A good example is the Credit having such an extreme gradient over the length of the river the fish that are natural production in the river are longer and leaner than East Ditch creeks. They were at one point all from the same strain but signifacnt advantages over time from individuals in each population have differentiated the populations in ways which suit the river they run. Not all Steelhead even return to the river they originate from. A small portion of the population of each river roam to run a different river. In this way they can spread to new rivers. Truly a diverse and amazing fish.

In Topic: Kawartha's Muskie report

17 October 2017 - 09:55 PM

OMG that has to be the most beautiful pattern Tiger ever. Seriously WOW.

In Topic: Moving bass from one pond to another

12 October 2017 - 09:43 PM

If the pond is on your property and your property only then just pay a hatchery to stock your pond.

Also if it's your pond stock it with bait fish such as Blue Gills 2 years before you put Bass in so they can establish a breeding population.
There are some good articles on line based on the size of a pond how many feeder fish you should stock and how many predator fish. It's important to keep a healthy balance in you own pond so fish don't become stunted. Some harvest of baitfish such as Blue Gills and some Bass would be nessessary to maintain that balance.

If the Pond is not owned by you then leave it alone as legally you can not stock it and may damage a sensitive species you're not aware of.

In Topic: Shipping fish recommendations

21 June 2017 - 09:18 PM

Last went to Key West 5 years ago. Everything was struck then but they didn't open my cooler at that time. It was X-rayed I am sure. The X-rays gave the fish a nice glow. Lol JK

In Topic: Fishing In Ontario For First Time

21 June 2017 - 09:16 PM

Bass in the Kawarthas opened last Saturday. Anywhere else is not open until this Saturday. Go to Canadian tire and get a copy of the regs book it's free. Decide where you're going and check the regs book, it's devided into zones so it's easy.