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Member Since 03 Mar 2016
Offline Last Active Oct 20 2017 04:07 PM

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In Topic: Erindale park and river fishing help

19 August 2017 - 12:59 PM

Sorry to bust your chops about "white buckets" cause it seems like you have this mentality about a certain type of people. Don't be surprised when you see many of your kind doing the dirty dirty. Salmon season brings the worst out of many kinds of people not just one kind. Don't be one of them like DILLAGAF had mentioned. It could get quite contagious when you're a beginner not knowing what to do cause you'll be too tempted to get a fish which will most likely be snagged anyway. If you see someone fishing catching fishes it doesn't hurt to approach him/her and have a friendly chat about fishing. Tell them your new to fishing and would like to learn how to fish the proper way. I'm sure they will throw plenty of good pointers. Good luck, its going to be a zoo over there within the next couple of weeks.

In Topic: Simcoe smallmouth.

19 August 2017 - 12:40 PM

Some beauties to be had on Simcoe. Work the shallows and then out deeper. Good luck!

In Topic: Port Credit: Salmon “pier” fishing tips for noobs

18 August 2017 - 11:33 AM

Don't be surprised if there's a full crowd there tonight lol


15 August 2017 - 11:04 AM

People always blaming it on the "white bucket brigade" for their lack of catches. Maybe the issue isn't them but yourself. Plenty of fishes to be had in rice lake. The issue is that people are scared to change their tactics. Always doing the same thing year after year. This year the lake is different. Fishes aren't in places they were last year and are in places you wouldn't think they are. If you work hard enough and change your tactics you'll be rewarded. So before you criticize a certain group of individuals you may want to see what it is that you're doing wrong.