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Member Since 12 Apr 2016
Offline Last Active Apr 18 2016 08:53 PM

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In Topic: Half-size Fly Lines and Streamer Fly Lines

16 April 2016 - 09:07 PM

Hey Berg, guess I was trying to say if you are using a fine tippet the 8wt wouldn't make much difference, I use an 8wt for Steelhead as well with a 3.5 tippet if the water isn't super clear good for #10 or #12 size flies. Interested to know how the 7wt line works with the 6wt. I am thinking you should get easier casting.

In Topic: Half-size Fly Lines and Streamer Fly Lines

12 April 2016 - 07:15 PM

Hi new to the forum here. Have been a fly fisher for around 30 years or so. Have had a debate with friends over the years about what rod is best for what species. Have concluded that it doesn't much matter. You can break a 5X tippet with a 6wt. or an 8wt. You are playing any fish to the tippet strength not the rod. You can run a really light tippet on an 8wt. as you could put 8lb. mono on a 3 wt. (rod might snap not recommended) No trout is going to break the fly line. I think it's more important to match the gear to the tippet and fly you are casting and the desired presentation. I have caught trout up to 7 lbs. with my 4wt., if I chose an 8wt. I would have used the same tippet but might have not gotten the delicate presentation. My 2c