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Member Since 10 May 2016
Offline Last Active May 14 2016 12:03 PM

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In Topic: Is port credit good or is it just me

14 May 2016 - 11:55 AM

which park was it east side or west side of the credit


I believe west side? I know north of Lakeshore it was west, but we weren't in a park, just along the rocks on the west side of the river. Can't remember which park we were in, but yeah there's one on either side.

In Topic: Is port credit good or is it just me

14 May 2016 - 09:53 AM

I went with a few friends about 3 or 4 years ago. Fishing from the park south of Lakeshore, some of my friends caught catfish and some carp. One of the days we were hanging out, we were a bit north of Lakeshore, and they were coming across salmon and rainbow trout late August-mid Sept. Not sure what else it provides this early on though >.<

In Topic: Newbie from Thornhill

12 May 2016 - 01:44 PM

Hey there! I'm from East Mississauga (basically Etobicoke), just joined a few days ago. Same boat as you so to speak - just getting into it again since my dad used to teach me back when I was about 7 or 8.

This site has a cool index of some spots in the GTA. So far I've been hitting Marie Curtis Park, Grenadier Pond in High Park, and am looking to check out Rouge River next week.

Good luck, I know I've been having a blast just getting outside again :)


In Topic: Help with Bass Identification

11 May 2016 - 01:53 PM

What the heck are you fishing for legally in grenadier pond that's in season? Pan fish lures won't catch you that large mouth.


Was just using a 2" small plastic lure. Was casting toward the center of the pond, about 10-15ft north of that tiny deck on the east side of the pond. There were about 10-12 other people fishing as well, some using jigs, plastic crickets, and spinners.




I was under the impression that this was reliable for panfish, it's what my friends had taught me to do a few years back. Again, it wasn't intentional, I didn't realize it was a bass until i pulled it out and my friend pointed out what it even was - it's the first time I've ever fished in Ontario.

For what it's worth, I did read regulations (and bought my licence), and at the point of realizing it was in fact a bass, unhooked and released it. Again, it's literally my first time catching a fish by myself, so I don't see the reason for why there is so much finger pointing. Not the way I learned to effectively correct people if they were for whatever reason misinformed. I'm sure you all can imagine since it was my very first time, there was a degree of excitement and adrenaline involved, yet despite that I immediately unhooked it and made sure it went on it's way, I didn't stop and pose for a photo with it, or carelessly beach it for an extended period of time. 15-20 seconds max. The photo was taken by someone else in the time it took me to simply set down the rod and hook so I could hold the fish in the water for it to go back. If you guys want to hall monitor, then great, you got me - not like I didn't already acknowledge and take responsibility for the catch when I posted the topic to begin with, but whatever makes you feel validated is fine with me.

Kind of lame to join a forum and you are met with a raised nose for simply being new or asking questions. At least I am asking questions and called myself out on what happened, I'm sure there a ton of people out there who know very well what they are doing and exploit or poach regardless. Guess that's what I get for making my experience visible for others to critique; lesson learned, lol. Wow. Great way to start a pastime.

In Topic: Help with Bass Identification

10 May 2016 - 10:18 PM

I'm speechless, that fish should have been placed right away in the water not in the dirt. OOS means release right away , no pics.


It was literally out of the water for no longer than 15-20 seconds :l You can see the water line is at the top of the photo (which wasn't taken by me either), I only had it out to remove the hook. Sorry, literally first day...