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Member Since 29 May 2016
Offline Last Active Sep 01 2016 11:12 AM

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In Topic: Waterloo Fishing

04 June 2016 - 12:18 AM

There is trout around Elora area on the grand at many of the bridges but some laws are different... I know it's no live bait aND barbless hooks and only catch and release and a couple others that you might want to look into.. and good for bass in conastogo where the grand and conastoga rivers meet

In Topic: Waterloo Fishing

04 June 2016 - 12:18 AM

There is trout around Elora area on the grand at many of the bridges but some laws are different... I know it's no live bait aND barbless hooks and only catch and release and a couple others that you might want to look into.. and good for bass in conastogo where the grand and conastoga rivers meet

In Topic: Fishing in and around waterloo region

31 May 2016 - 12:04 AM

OK thanks will maybe try out there then again

In Topic: Fishing in and around waterloo region

29 May 2016 - 09:51 PM

Yaaa I've done some fishing in belwood. But looking for a couple new place in the rivers. Grand, Conestoga or nithriver river for pike and maybe walleye