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Member Since 09 Jun 2016
Offline Last Active Sep 01 2016 02:39 PM

Posts I've Made

In Topic: Best spinning rod under $150

10 June 2016 - 10:54 AM

I have a couple of mojo bass (100$) that are simply amazing! And couple of shimano convergence that I like even more, It's a 2 piece 7 ft but It's the rod I cast the fastest with, I fish for carp with it and I caught a lot of 20+ ponder fish with it without it breaking , I even caught a 42 pound carp on it ! You feel about anything on it, I think for the price they are excellent choice.

In Topic: Sight fishing for Dogfish. So Fun!

09 June 2016 - 09:51 AM

They are a lot of fun! I found a shallow bay on lake ontario where two of them lives. It's been the same two for about 3 years now. I managed to catch them a couple time a year but they are getting harder and harder to catch.The fun thing about those fish is that they don't get scared easily.We've been over them with the boat without them even moving.They really give a hard fight.The problem with those fish is that they are basically impossible to hold.With their snake shape the only option is to hold them like pikes but it is really hard to but your finger there without hurting the fish or yourself.