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Member Since 21 Jun 2016
Offline Last Active Jun 21 2016 02:19 PM

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In Topic: Forks of the credit

21 June 2016 - 02:20 PM

That does happen occasionally but mostly it is ignorance on the part of Law enforcement and Land owners. I used to carry the the regs and the sections of the regulations that cover what we are discussing. I would say that I have enlightened at least 25 property owners and more that a dozen Law enforcement. The first link will show you all legal avenues in and out of a body of water in Ontario. Very useful tool to have on your phone.

In Topic: Forks of the credit

21 June 2016 - 12:23 PM

The locals up there really dislike sharing that section of river, and have for years lobbied to restrict access. There are even sections of river that are signed as private property. A few years ago I asked the ministry to remove the signs (all navigable waterways in Ontario are public) however I was told the banks and riverbed are privately owned so the signs stayed and trespassing laws are indeed enforced. Know where you are, respect the rules and regs and always ask permission to access certain areas. At one time TU had an agreement with local farmers for certain areas, but I haven't been up there for a couple of years now so not sure if that's still valid. The COs do patrol up there occasionally so make sure you're legal. You're better off taking your float and bag of roe below the Old Baseline Road, and leave the waters north of there to fly rods. Also, it's a no kill zone so all catch and release. Ouch to the ticket - that's an expensive outing!

Joel52 you were initially correct an "Allowance" is made for all most every navigable water way in Ontario. These Allowances are public land and are not legally private property in any way shape or form. As such they may be traveled freely. The main issue is dealing with the land owners who are ignorant of the law and travelling via these legal routes to our fishing waters. I have had this discussion with both OPP and Conservation officers as recently as last Fall.

Shoreline & Road Allowance:
Most waterfront property in Ontario has a standard 66-foot Shoreline Reservation, unless otherwise transferred to the Deed. This part of the property is owned and controlled by the Ministry of Natural Resources. Usually, no permanent development or shoreline development is allowed on this reservation. In many cases the shoreline reservation may be purchased from the Ministry of Natural Resources. The purpose of a Shoreline Reservation is to preserve the natural habitats and environments of aquatic creatures, birds and plants.

Here are some helpful links if you are in Ontario and like to walk in fish to out of the way places. The first link is especially help full because it show all variences, Allowances and right of ways in Ontario. Makes sure to scroll all the  way in as this interactive map is very detailed.



In Topic: Fishing + tent camping.

21 June 2016 - 11:59 AM

Here are a couple of links that should help you out if you are interested in going to Algonquin Park for some R&R.





 Those two should get you as good start.