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Member Since 08 Sep 2016
Offline Last Active Aug 23 2018 09:23 PM

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In Topic: Does pouring your own jigs save you money in the long run?

18 August 2018 - 01:39 PM

A melting pot is going to cost $75
The jig or sinker molds are $50.

You'll have to do your own math.
Starting with how many jigs you & your fishing buddies buy yearly.

You can purchase the molds from "Do It"

Then you need a source of lead.
Local tire shop is where I'd look.

Please always melt & pour hot lead outdoors "OR" in very well ventilated area.
Lead fumes are toxic
Like a running car engine in the garage with the garage door closed !

Tight Lines

Thanks for the information brother!

In Topic: Does pouring your own jigs save you money in the long run?

18 August 2018 - 01:36 PM

I know that tungsten would be the best way to make your own jigs from an environmental standpoint but realistically speaking, who has the equipment to melt tungsten?

I am pretty sure that the melting point of tungsten is in the 3000+ degrees so that would require the use of an industrial grade melting pot and heat source.

Now, like BRMZ said, what are the healthy alternatives? If anyone knows of a good alloy to use, that doesn't require spending thousands of dollars and basically transforming my shed into a factory I'd love to consider it! 

In Topic: Does pouring your own jigs save you money in the long run?

18 August 2018 - 01:30 PM

Do you usually break off a lot or get bitten off or snagged to loose so many jigs?

I wouldn't say that I lose a lot of jigs but I do lose my fair share of jigs. Usually lose them to muskies, the line scrapping against zebra mussels and even getting the jig wedged in rocks. So yeah I do lose about $50-100 worth of jigs throughout the year.