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Member Since 22 Mar 2017
Offline Last Active Sep 26 2017 03:29 PM

Topics I've Started

Bass in shallow clear water

06 September 2017 - 10:50 PM

I got a question about bass in shallow clear water. last weekend i threw a live worm with a small hook on fluorocarbon line and the bigger bass could care less about it. some wouldn't even look at the bait and a couple others would look for a second then swim away. is this a case of being in a negative mood or have this fish been caught a-lot? i was just letting the worm do its thing and sink slowly on free-line. 

Pike leaders and topwaters

20 July 2017 - 11:55 PM

Got another question here guys. Im gonna be throwing some jitterbugs and F18's for pike, and am wondering if i should use a pike leader or just tie line straight to eye. I tried it couple weeks ago and those pike leaders were messing up the action. Also generally for jerk-baits, can you tie your line straight to split ring to get the best action or would it be better to use a snap or a Duncan Loop?


Braid to Fluorocarbon Leader

17 July 2017 - 10:04 PM

Hello everyone. I was wondering if any one could help me out with a main line to leader question. Im headed down to Maine this summer to fish for stripers and i am gonna try to make due with what i have already. I was gonna use 15 pound braid to 12 pound fluorocarbon leader. Is the difference on diameter too large to connect with a uni knot?


Hi there everybody.

22 March 2017 - 05:16 PM

Hi there everyone. I was hoping i could find a good forum for fishing and looks like a found it! I look forward to getting to know everyone and learning a-lot in the process. Im gonna try my luck at some steelhead fishing this spring mostly tributaries from Lake Ontario and Lake Huron. Wondering if anyone could tell me what time of March or April we should expect steelhead spawn to be in full swing?