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Member Since 05 Aug 2017
Offline Last Active Dec 08 2019 08:27 PM

Posts I've Made

In Topic: Please explain what I saw.

20 October 2019 - 08:52 PM

Highly illegal....you should report it when you see that......they have to keep the fish to keep the roe...JERKS!

In Topic: Lake St. Clair - guide/lodges

03 August 2019 - 09:16 PM

Bass Haven http://www.basshavencanada.com/

In Topic: Channel catfish in Southern Ontario besides Dunnville?

14 July 2019 - 08:52 PM

The big cats dont move in to the Saugeen until water temps get to 58 - 60f. I like areas nearer the mouth on the north side, there is a little parking lot that you drive down to the rivers edge. A gob of worms or some chicken livers tied on a 2.0 hook with spider thread will do the trick. Anywhere in that lower section is good, pretty much common knowledge around there so dont anybody freak out.....lol