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Member Since 16 Aug 2017
Offline Last Active Nov 20 2017 11:39 AM

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Spinner Bait for Lake Scugog

21 August 2017 - 12:46 PM

Does anyone have any recommendations on a good spinner bait for Lake Scugog?

New Member: Cowans Bay

16 August 2017 - 04:22 PM

I went to Cowan's Bay last night. I fished off the dock, lots of weed and lily pads. Got two bites, but nothing definitive. I used a texas jigged senko (YUM Watermelon color) but no go. Has anyone fished here before? I've heard it's really good for bass, but I got nothing. Another guy was fishing with a plastic frog and same result. This was from 6pm-8pm btw. Was I using the wrong lure, maybe in the wrong spot?