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Member Since 06 May 2018
Offline Last Active Jul 10 2018 06:58 PM

Topics I've Started

Bass fishing setups

09 May 2018 - 05:45 PM

I've got a 7' medium heavy baitcaster and I'm looking to get atleast two more setups for the season, what should I get?

WTB Trolling motor (preferably with some sort of remote control)

07 May 2018 - 08:57 PM

I'm in the GTA but can drive anywhere within a few hours, looking for a trolling motor for a 16ft aluminum custom bass boat. Let me know if you have anything or can point me in the right direction for a well priced trolling motor.

Bass fishing setups

07 May 2018 - 04:29 PM

Last year I started bass fishing and really enjoyed it. I've been using a 7' medium heavy baitcaster and it is my only setup so far. I'd like to get two more setups for the year, any suggestions?