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Member Since 23 Jul 2018
Offline Last Active Aug 06 2018 01:33 PM

Topics I've Started

Can I frog fish with this setup

25 July 2018 - 11:26 AM

So I really want to start frog fishing and I have done a lot of research on it and it seems that most people use a bait caster instead of spinning gear.

So I want to know if I can frog fish with this setup I have. I have a medium action 6.5' spinning rod it seems to be a good rod. For line I currently have 8 lb mono on the spool. I know I could land a big fish with this line if I had the drag set correctly and I was in open water where the fish cant bury himself in the weeds. But I don't know about frog fishing. They say online to use 65 lb braid on a Bait caster. I read somewhere else that he frog fish with I think its called 30 lb power pro braid. with a bigger spinning reel than mine. So over all I am not sure if my rod is strong enough and I am almost positive that my line needs to be upgraded. Let me know what you guys think. 





Can I stock a protected conservation pond

23 July 2018 - 06:06 PM

Hey everyone,


Just wondering if anybody knows if I am aloud to stock a protected conservation pond here in Ontario. 

I just want to put some large mouth in there and some bluegill for them to feed on. 

I would be moving them from other a lake or a river if I am aloud to. There is lots of cover for them and minnows to feed on as well.

It is a pretty big pond, not sure how many I would put in there. 


I will not do this until I know for sure it is legal to do so.


If any of you know anything about this it would be much appreciated to hear from you.




By the way this is my fist post here. HI EVERYONE.