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  • Fly fishing and swimming @ Portage Lake. Great after a 31c temp day. Rock-Bass and small Smallmouth like my Purple Leech and Popping Bug Flys
    (X-men:First Class) was an ok Movie But (A Haunted House) sucked soooo much I want a refund for renting it
    ...that's good fishing time yer using up watching crappy movies...geesh
    you just lost an hour and a half without your hooks on water.
    thinking of going fishing..... but its dam hot out.... went for a swim at portage lake last night, took my fly rod and caught some fish along the one shoreline. fun fun
    of course 12 days after turkey season ends I have 2 gobblers stop and look at me for 10 min, I Seen a nice 4 year old Bear this after noon and today fishing LAKE TROUT I hook and land a 6.5 pound Small-Mouth 2 weeks before season opens. I have all the Luck. LOL
    :lol: Fish bite best when seasons closed
    The Hunger Game. Whats the big deal over this movie, just watched it. AND.....What...... nothen great about it. OK but not great.

    Also just watched THE FALLEN f%ing movies 4 hours long OMG
    John Carter it was ok for a disney movie
    and a Dragon Age anime movie it was ok too.
    Spent afew hours on Dollor Bay, killed some time seen a deer crossing the Lake, going to try and hit it again tomorrow Morning, maybe.
    couple small trout today, bad day for me, burnt the 4x4 out of the truck today, smashed myself with the auger and broke my lock on the hut. LOL what a day
    making some Moose Meat for lunch, Moose stew meat, mixed with garlic, onion, and other stuff, baked for 1.5 hours at 300f and I will see how it turns out, lol
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