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  1. chibi

    Why do Geese cross the road ?

    sorry, i had to... (this is from last summer... near rice lake)
  2. chibi

    Your 3 best lures

    unfortunately, it has never helped me d= silver x-rap! and i'm predicting possibly a lucky craft u.s.a. pointer american shad :?:
  3. chibi

    Which Digital Camera Do You Have ?

    this is a very popular camera among the people i know worth the $ =)
  4. chibi

    keeping awake on the road

    n/p mikeymikey! it can give others more information on vehicles they might be eyeing =)
  5. chibi

    Bluffers Park Carp

    i remember snagging a dead carp before at the islands. i wanted to see how deep the water was... then i got freaked out and made frozenfire loosen my lure =/.
  6. chibi

    keeping awake on the road

    same here about the road trips! they're quite relaxing.
  7. chibi

    Ontario Fishing Forums Logo Contest

    where's your addition? show them the artist side of you =)
  8. chibi

    Which Digital Camera Do You Have ?

    i use a Canon SD630. i'm looking to replace it soon with another Canon that has the IS feature. maybe the SD870IS or SD1100IS.
  9. chibi

    Spring Crappie techniques

    ouch that sucks =(. it's happened to me a few times too. frozenfire was there too last night and said there wasn't much action.
  10. chibi

    keeping awake on the road

    good idea sometimes we try sour foods/snacks but they only work for so long i think spicy could do the trick!
  11. chibi

    Grenadier Pond Carp

    nice catch! it looks like it wants to talk! "put me... back... in..."
  12. chibi

    thanks openfire =)

    my 20/20 vision did not fail me haha
  13. chibi

    thanks openfire =)

    thanks again =) hopefully i'll be able to lift the fish i catch with this lure haha j/k
  14. chibi

    Gas reaches $112 a barrel!

    who knows how high it'll be when summer hits if it keeps increasing =(
  15. chibi

    thanks openfire =)

    here is what i received in the mail... thanks openfire =) nice and shiny! maybe this'll be the trick to catch bigger and larger pike than that guy frozenfire!!! =D haha and btw, does it cost more to send a package that you have to sign for? it's actually easier for me to receive packages...
  16. chibi

    Bradford crappies are in. :)

    there be some monster sized perch there too! and i can view the photos fine. is it only frozenfire's you can't view?
  17. chibi

    keeping awake on the road

    ouch! that's quite unfortunate =( thanks for the advice
  18. chibi

    Bradford crappies are in. :)

    hahaha how deceiving i thought you went fishing again and made a new report d=
  19. chibi

    Bradford crappies are in. :)

    Re: 3rd time out, finally success!!! :) April 8th/08 hahahaha except i only rated his title (and wow out of 5 haha), and not his report that's up to you guys to do =)
  20. chibi

    Toronto Islands, first piking experience

    thanks for letting me know openfire! i'll move my first report pics soon. and frozenfire, you need to select the pictures that need to be uploaded for this report. i'm not sure which ones you've used.