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Ontario Fishing Forums

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  1. K

    Salmon fishing when then are spawning

    It isn’t illegal...It’s unethical...Get that through your head. You’re damaging our fisheries because of it. There are a number of ways to get hits from migratory fish without pulling them off their spawning beds when they are most vulnerable. Unfortunately some people have to resort to...
  2. K

    Salmon fishing when then are spawning

    Pedro/Rapala boy, from what I gather, you’re a kid with 4 months worth of trib fishing experience (who’s also been banned from a bunch of other forums and gets most of what he knows off of youtube). Knowing a few of the guys personally on this board, I have no doubt you just lost a whole lot...
  3. K

    Salmon fishing when then are spawning

    I’m sad to read this…Simply put, Pedro/Rapala boy, you need to learn more about ethics and respect towards our fisheries – More so towards cherishing wild populations of salmon, steelhead and browns which many of our Ontario tributaries support. Why do I think fishing redds is wrong...
  4. K

    Fishing South of the Border

    Hitting numbers on every Erie creek is a little of a stretch - At least for NY. PA has the Elk which gets a stocking of roughly 1 million rainbows (Inbred mutts I might add). The other streams beyond the Catt in NY are comparable to what you'd find in Ontario. Numbers wise, I wouldn't be...