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  1. Bassassins

    A love lost to be found again...

    Wrote this a month or so ago but probably a little more relevant for most now lol
  2. Bassassins

    Drumming for GOLD!

    Thanks guys!!! :)
  3. Bassassins

    Drumming for GOLD!

    Some stories are meant to be told, some ain't, this one definitely is! Conditions were rather perfect, overcast and the bay was as calm as we could ever dream her to be. Essentially everything was shaping up for a stellar day of chasing gold. Company is always great when we have a chance to do...
  4. Bassassins

    We came, we saw, we conquered...

    We had the winning bag with 15.67lbs. ;)
  5. Bassassins

    We came, we saw, we conquered...

    Hey Getin - no it was a little tournament 3 boats in total lol would have been a little tight!!!
  6. Bassassins

    We came, we saw, we conquered...

    Thanks guys - this was a lot of fun!... Makes the work week a little harder.
  7. Bassassins

    We came, we saw, we conquered...

    Its brisk out this morning, even though the sun is up its still chilly and the wind is up quiet a bit, so less than stellar conditions to say the least. The little 4hp drives our 10' aluminum craft towards our first spot. We only fished this lake in the winter time, so open water was a first...
  8. Bassassins

    A love lost to be found again...

    Anyone else fighting the same feelings???
  9. Bassassins

    Breaking News!

    Thanks guys - wish the fish had been bigger but with the small window he gave us to meet him we are happy we could catch something. Got am email this morning that this hit stores today too :) Check out the E-ZINE version if you can't get a copy yourselves - PG 27…...
  10. Bassassins

    Breaking News!

    Yeah there was a written interview done a couple of weeks ago. Then he wanted us to meet up to do an actual video because the writtewn was received well. All a lot of fun :) thanks guys.
  11. Bassassins

    Breaking News!

    LOOK WHO IT IS...... Had a blast doing this and can't wait to see it on TV later this week - Special thanks to Ben at The Canadian Press for hunting us down. Tight Lines!
  12. Bassassins

    Salmonella Poisoning

    Thanks! :) wish we could go back lol frig...
  13. Bassassins

    Salmonella Poisoning

    Thank you all so much - really glad you all liked it.
  14. Bassassins

    Salmonella Poisoning

    Highly infectious and extremely addictive. There is no known cure, once exposed to it will shape your life. Even while writing this, the aftermath still rumbles through our veins. The only wish is to go back, do it again, regardless the tiredness and exhaustion we are left with. An...
  15. Bassassins

    1 Year Anniversary

    1 week to go... Summer is almost over!!!
  16. Bassassins


    Thanks guys!!! :)
  17. Bassassins

    1 Year Anniversary

    A year ago today these two crazy fisherman introduced facebook to the Bassassins. What an amazing year it has been and we thank ALL of our fans for their continued support. NOW we couldn't let such an important date go by without doing something fun ... a give away can be fun BUT a MOTHERLOAD...
  18. Bassassins

    Little Help

    Thank you so much to everyone that voted over the week - WE WON!!! In case you wanted to see Smooths winning entry in the Ontario's Highlands Contest. Tight Lines!
  19. Bassassins


    Thanks everyone! GoPro hero 3 for the photos.
  20. Bassassins


    Chevy and I have been trying to hit the water all year and unfortunately we couldn't get things together. With him heading back to school in a week we FINALLY found a day that we both had off to go hut some Largies. Oddly the Smallies didn't get the memo.... BUT thankfully Chevy...