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Ontario Fishing Forums

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  1. J

    New Member from Chatham

    Im from Windsor and love fishing day or night> email me [email protected] Ill be down to go, if you or anyone goes to windsor hit me up I know some real sweet spots for just about anything your looking for.
  2. J

    Where are the Fish?>>>>> WINDSOR , ON

    Where are all the fish??? I live in windsor ontario and fish everywhere around here possible. There are no fish in that river or they've gotten wayyy too smart. Ive been fishing in the city marina and in little river all winter(mainly ice fishing) which has been great up until mid feb. Its one...
  3. J

    Windsor, Essex County

    Some of my favorite spots are; Pilette docks( off of pilette road )- great for just about anything, especially perch. BEST pickeral/walleye whatever you prefer location is right next to sand point(east riverside) go to the west about a block over and theres a rock fill where theres piles of...