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Ontario Fishing Forums

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  1. Snaggy

    Fly Rod / Reel Combo

    Sometimes Sail has 8wt ECHO SOLO fly kits on sale for just under $150. Got me started and Im still using it. That way you can spend money on other things (flies)
  2. Snaggy

    Brookie Outing

    Finally... the small stream I fish for brookies hit the magical temp and the fish would start to feed more willingly! I made it out for a few hours before work today because the weather was beautiful! A very nice place to spend a day, a true gem hidden in Southern Ontario! I spent most of my...
  3. Snaggy

    Algonquin Park spring fishing

    Wow, that'll be a great time. Best of luck!
  4. Snaggy

    Algonquin Park spring fishing

    I'm no expert, but from what I have heard 2 of the flies that keep coming up is the simple wooly bugger and the mickey finn. Any attractor fly should work as well. What lakes are you going to be fishing? I will be there at the same time.
  5. Snaggy

    Algonquin Question

    Hi guys, Going on a camping trip into Algonquin in late April early May. We are going from Rock-Penn-Welcome and staying three nights on Welcome Lake. The main objective of the trip is obviously fishing, so I was just wondering what your opinions are about bringing both a spinning and fly...
  6. Snaggy

    Algonquin Park spring fishing

    I'll be there on opener. Only have and only ever used floating line. Most likely I will be using the spinning setup most of the day. However, Ill be bringing the fly rod for the creeks and streams between lakes, as well as with the shorelines at night. Best of luck!
  7. Snaggy

    Wanted: 5WT Fly rod

    Hi guys, Need to replace my fly rod for the current season. Looking for a 5WT in atleast a 4 piece as I need to be able to pack it up for most of my trips. Not too picky other than that. Thanks!
  8. Snaggy

    Paintball Gun

    Downsizing some of my paintball gear as I don't go out as often as I used to. BT4 Delta Elite with aftermarket fake mag and hopper. Includes 12 oz C02. $200 (or trade for fishing gear)
  9. Snaggy

    Western Fishing Advice

    Hey guys In August I am headed out to Vancouver for a wedding. Having never beek there, of course I will want to explore with some fishing. Here is the trip plan so far - Fly to Calgary - Explore the area between Calgary and Vancouver for a week, hopefully do some fishing. (Maybe a guided trip...
  10. Snaggy

    2015 Brook Trout limit change for Zone 17

    Some streams really do get over pressured and are losing populations of brookies in zone 16, however there are a lot of streams that very little people know about and support a healthy population off brooks. I would still encourage a drop off on the limit. I take brookies once per year on my...
  11. Snaggy

    fish recipes ?

    Beer batter the perch, crappie, and bass when I do eat it. Pan fry trout and eyes in simple butter and cooking oil. MMMM
  12. Snaggy

    My First Flies

    Glad you had a good outing! The largies get quite big in that pond! Your smallie would be the first I've seen out of that pond. Did you bring in your pontoon?
  13. Snaggy

    Anyone want to fish Whitemans Creek?

    Would love to have you guys along, I'll need some guidance loo. Hey Kit what are some fly suggestions for the creek to tie before we head out there? I'm good to go any day but Tuesday, Thursdays or saturdays
  14. Snaggy

    Anyone want to fish Whitemans Creek?

    Would anyone like to accompany me at Whitemans creek sometime in the next 2 weeks, whenever someone is available? I would be flinging a fly (still a newbie) but anyone is welcome. We would meet there, in the AM. Thanks ! P.S. if we are having no luck we may head to brookie territory PM me or...
  15. Snaggy

    Canadian River Angler TV

    Great stuff, just finished looking over the website. New here so I am just seeing it now. Great ideas going on, can't wait to see more from ya!
  16. Snaggy

    My First Flies

    Thanks for the tips Chris, I'll keep them in mind when tying. I have mass amounts of hackles that length, could I just trim it up? Only used the Aberdeen hooks for the poppers, the others I used Mustad streamer hooks.
  17. Snaggy

    My First Flies

    Hey Guys, I recently have taken up fly tying. I just want to give a quick thanks to a local guy (wayjep) who gave me some great materials at insanely low prices. He has tons of extra material and he's always looking to sell some, so if your interested be sure to contact him! Anyway here are my...
  18. Snaggy

    A Little Update

    Hey guys, Haven't been on much lately, been really busy with work and whatnot. Amongst the bussy-ness, I have still been able to get out for some fishing! All start at the day after Bass Opener when I landed a PB bucketmouth. This is at a local lake, that is not named, and know one knows...
  19. Snaggy


    Heres what I did.. I fish for mainly bass, so I chose a 7 weight.(spend the money on this) However, I also enjoy fishing panfish on the fly so I went to Canadian Tire and bought the cheapie 4/5 weight. cost me about 40 as a combo. Casts okay I guess, but then I realised, when I do fishing for...
  20. Snaggy

    Assorted Fishing Gear

    Need to downsize some of my fishing gear, in order to gain some money to go towards school, which causes me to sell of some things I am no longer using but still has lots of good life left. Bass Pro Shops bait casting reel spooled RH Retrieve (hardly used) - $20 Pflueger Endeavor bait casting...