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  1. Bryce Sanford


    so we went kayaking, didnt fish much so we didnt catch a thing. Carp are in at jordan on the inside of the highway, we would get close to the shore and would see 20+ carp swimming away and jumping.
  2. Bryce Sanford


    me and 2 buddies will be kayaking the inside of the jordan harbour and possibly the sixteen mile pond area... i'll keep everyone updated as to how the day goes
  3. Bryce Sanford


    i plan on going to to the grand river in dunnville tomorrow. i hope the fish are biting
  4. Bryce Sanford


    Anyone know how the grand river is going? the cold weather has me curious as to if fish are up in the rivers
  5. Bryce Sanford


    went down to the Jordan harbour, water is really cold. caught a few small cats and a sucker thats about it. lots of people out fishing though
  6. Bryce Sanford


    I'm going to the inside of the jordan harbour in a few minutes, ill let you guys know how it goes
  7. Bryce Sanford


    I usually fish the jordan harbour on a weekly basis because i live close. would it be best to fish the inside or the outside of the harbour?
  8. Bryce Sanford

    New to forum

    doesnt really matter to me, i usually just use cut bait and hope for the best
  9. Bryce Sanford


    I went there with a buddy the other day, ice is all cleared up, just giving it a few days of warm weather before i go
  10. Bryce Sanford


    would it be on the outside or the inside of the harbour? :)
  11. Bryce Sanford


    Hello! im new here but i have a few questions.... does anyone know good spots for catfishing around zone16? im located between hamilton and st catherines. would i have any luck trying today or should i wait for warmer weather
  12. Bryce Sanford

    New to forum

    Hello fellow fishermen and women. My name is bryce and im from a small town called vineland just outside of St. Catherines. With the upcoming warmer weather i was curious as to where i could land some nice catfish, would the jordan harbour yield anything or are they still in deep waters? have...