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  1. goodentight


    pump you are hardcore. Thats sweet I will have to listen soon
  2. goodentight

    Anyone crazy enough going to simcoe tomorrow?

    Belleville: Fri Overnight -13 (FL -20), Sat Morn -8 (FL -15) Sat Aft -6 (FL-12) 15KM S winds. Average winter day. Dont know what you fools tawkin boutz
  3. goodentight

    Holes on Frozen Rivers

    bski been telling me horror stories from down there this winter
  4. goodentight

    4 Man HT InstaShak Hut, Big Mr. Buddy Heater, 20lb Propane Tank and Hose Adapter

    would have jumped on this if I didn't also just recently purchase all this stuff
  5. goodentight

    DIY: Ice Fish Sled

    yeah the BBQ propane is probably over kill. Having it in the back of the sled was less than ideal. I will put it in the front or middle of the sled next go and imagine that will keep it from "riding durty" so much. Either way, if you are off the snow, you are having a good time. I kept my skis...
  6. goodentight

    DIY: Ice Fish Sled

    Well, took it out on that storm and it was amazing. I think the reason some bog down is you dont have the rope at the tip of the skis and/or your sled falls off the 2x4's. Either of those situations can result in bogging. This had enough clearance to glide freely across the deeps on quinte.
  7. goodentight

    DIY: Ice Fish Sled

    After last weekend being my first time hiking 1.3km out with a toboggan through a foot of snow, I now know I will never do that again. Thing was a snowplow eating snow for breakfast lunch and dinner. I started looking at home projects to raise the toboggan off the ground. I also wanted...
  8. goodentight

    Holes on Frozen Rivers

    I might go out on Sunday and try. So Danger, you are telling me I can only fish near a beaver dam and have to tie myself to a tree in the dam? That is going to be hard to find a Dam in open regs this time of year :cool:
  9. goodentight

    Ice Fishing!

    move around. the weekend before, first light till 11am we were in two spots and were 0/1, moved one last time and got 5 in 45 mins. All about dat cov'rage
  10. goodentight

    Ice Fishing!

    lets be honest. We all secretly want to take one for a ride ever since we watched the bumbles christmas movie as kids.
  11. goodentight

    Holes on Frozen Rivers

    I guess if I was to ever drill now would be the time. Anyone have any expertise or experience ice fishing on the frozen rivers in holes that you would normally drift?
  12. goodentight

    Ice Fishing!

    We iced 11 eyes on Saturday. Largest was 7.8, and then 5 and change. Where are all these lunkers at gawd dauyuuuuuum
  13. goodentight

    Port Perry or Caesarea? Scugog Walleye Trip

    Think if you go into the holes in either location you can find a few.
  14. goodentight

    Bay of Quinte

    You have a guide so there shouldn't be much of a guessing game. But this is good knowledge to have. Last weekend, My dad and I set up first light. Marked a ton of fish, turned out to be perch .Typically if you are marking perch, you will hit perch and no eyes. So we moved camp and the same...
  15. goodentight

    Ice Fishing!

    This is my first year of ice fishing. Been out a total of 3 times now. Lots of medium walleyes not worth posting but this.... this is worth the photo. Medium light 24" on the pin. This guy picks me up off bottom and just kept running. Crazy we got it though the 8" hole... it justtttttttt fit. My...
  16. goodentight

    Port Perry or Caesarea? Scugog Walleye Trip

    been asking myself the same question. Any luck?
  17. goodentight

    Bay of Quinte

    Lots of eyes on quinte! good luck hold tight!
  18. goodentight

    The Ultimate Photo Thread

    LOL Dozer, no shop bro!